This is the easy-to-absorb breakdown of your divine design that will eliminate confusion, spark remembrance and help you rise to your soul frequency. 

If you've ever had a regular Human Design Reading before, this one is going to speak directly to your Next-Level Self! 

The Divine by Design Consultation is an illuminating and intensive 10+ page report about YOUR SOUL that is followed by a 1:1 private coaching call with Lindsay. 

💫 If you want to discover your divine design, embody your core truths, understand your deepest wounds and know why you’ve chosen to show up here, this consultation is for you ðŸ’«    

Your report will be e-mailed to you 5-7 days before your scheduled call so that you can digest, absorb, sink into the information and show up to your call feeling curious, excited and totally inspired!! 

Divine By Design


CAD (tax in)

  • 10+ Page Report
  • Private Coaching Call