$111.00 USD



For the Intuitive Leader or Spiritual CEO who is in a period of transition where there’s a gap between who she is and who she desires to be.

You can see the next-level, even feel it sometimes. But there’s still something that feels unclear.

You feel stuck, even impatient and frustrated. You just want to be “there” already, which is completely understandable! I want that for you too!

But here’s the thing…

You haven't learned how to master the three phases of the initiation process. You haven't learned to leverage the energetic transmissions that each of these phases provides you... YET. 




This self-paced, workshop-style program invites you to bring your current experience, as unique as it is, and apply the energetics of this program directly to it. 

You will be led through each phase of the initiation process; the void, the soul callings and the final initiation... while embodying the energetic transmissions so that you can master them all and emerge as your next-level self by the time you finish the modules! 

No more stress. No more lack of clarity or fumbling for next steps. No more stuck.

So many of us avoid the actual initiation process that it takes for us to get from here to here... but not you, not anymore. 

You're ready. 




This program is pre-recorded and you have access to the modules immediately. 

There will be NO REFUNDS once the program is purchased.


Click SUBSCRIBE to receive the emails that provide the welcome and details for this offer. I don't send spam and you can opt-out once the program is finished if my emails are not in alignment with you. Without subscribing you will not receive important info related to this purchase. 

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Lindsay Anderson Coaching Copyright Disclaimer & Payment Policy:


All materials, content, and intellectual property, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, logos, audio, video, and software, made available on Lindsay Anderson’s website, training platforms, lives and shared content are protected by copyright laws and owned by Lindsay Anderson unless otherwise stated. 

By signing up for this program, you agree that you will not repurpose, duplicate, copy or sell any element of this program (or any other) in any way shape or form without Lindsay Anderson's written permission to do so. You may view, download, or print copyrighted materials from Lindsay Anderson’’s platforms solely for personal, non-commercial use.

Payment Policy:

Lindsay Anderson utilizes Stripe or PayPal to process your payment. By clicking above, you acknowledge that you are agreeing to authorize your card for the amount outlined on this checkout. 

Due to the nature of the services provided, there are no refunds. There will be no refunds issued due to lack of attendance, scheduling conflicts or personal disagreements. By making this investment, you acknowledge that you are ready to complete the full investment (including all payment plans if applicable) related to this purchase and understand that there will be no refunds issued. 

Your first payment is the electronic equivalent of your signature and asserts that you have read this and agree to the terms and conditions outlined here.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] to discuss.