Your third eye is the chakra that houses your intuition, insight and imagination. The most powerful pivots, impactful programs and big business moves happen when this chakra is clear and fully in alignment.  

Use this channeled guided meditation and essential oil recipe to calm the chatter of your conscious mind and open the doors to your intuitive channel. 

Here you will connect with the powerful guidance of your soul as you step into the identity of The Intuitive CEO. 


'Being able to add the Third Eye Massage Technique to my routine is NEXT LEVEL. I move WITH doubt and this has opened up new doors of apportunity and abundance within my business. Since I've been using it I have become even more aligned in my business, naturally. This technique NEEDS to be a part of you daily ritual'

- BC

'Holy WOW. I just did the third eye technique on my own (I've only done it once before and it was live with Lindsay in AJNA) and I could feel everything opening in my forehead! Having the crystal there really helped to anchor the expansion. I am blown away with this technique'

- AW